by samsena | Dec 13, 2012 | Microsoft Exchange
A warm Ook and hello from your banana loving primate friend! I’ve decided to put up a list of configuration guides for Exchange 2013 in an easy to access part of this blog. The configuration guides will help you to perform (hopefully) some tasks that you may...
by samsena | Dec 10, 2012 | Project Management Professional
The PMBOK addresses Project Procurement Management from the buyer’s perspective, in other words, we play the role of the buyer looking to contract some project work to a seller that is external to our Organization. Buyer and seller are common terms that are used in...
by samsena | Dec 8, 2012 | Project Management Professional
Historically, most candidates find this section on Project Communications Management to be the easiest to pass. This is the time and place where you can gain a lot of ground in your exam score, particularly if you don’t have a lot of knowledge and experience in...
by samsena | Dec 8, 2012 | Project Management Professional
This section of the PMBOK explores issues of teaming and working together and getting people moving towards common goals. A lot of the content is weighted heavily towards team development and dealing with conflict and behavioral issues that tend to arise in project...
by samsena | Dec 6, 2012 | Project Management Professional
Philip Crosby, one of the forefathers of modern-day quality management, titled his seminal work on quality management, “Quality is free.” When we say that quality is free, we mean to say that quality shouldn’t be thought of as an additional expense. If we are...